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Āsurīsampat 6

Main teaching of Gītā and all Upanisad is about the true nature of oneself presented moksa as the goal. Besides that, Gītā also presented secondary means for moksa which are in the form of certain karma and values which make one grows into an adhikarī (one who is qualify and gets benefits) for ātmajnām. Throughout the whole Gītā they are presented in different way for us pickup. Karma yoga and yajña (act of offering to Īśvara) are presented in 3rd and 4th chapter, dhyānam is in 6th chapter, values are in 13th chapter, guna is in 14th chapter, daivāsurasampat is presented this 16th chapter.

In the last class we have seen how a person with āsurī sampat is egoistic, arrogant, and completely immerse to enjoyment objects. This kind of attitude is making oneself distance away from pūrnatvam - fullness which is one’s true nature. And it is said that Īśvara despatch them repeatedly into a life of transmigration only in āsurī wombs, according to law of karma.

āsurīṁ yonimāpannā mūḍhā janmani janmani |

māmaprāpyaiva kaunteya tato yāntyadhamāṁ gatim ||16.20||

Kaunteya (Arjuna)! Those, who lack discrimination, obtaining the womb of an asura in every birth, certainly not reaching Me, go to an end that is even lower than that.

Such people obtain births in the wombs of āsura. In such forms, there is no viveka - capability for discrimination. A tiger doesn’t think it is cruel to attack others, nor does it want to change, since they don’t gain any punya nor pāpa out of their actions. This type of discrimination is the privilege of human being, but these people don’t use it in their human births, and therefore, they keep going to lower and lower wombs, where there is no viveka. This goes on for some time until all the consequences of their wrongdoing are exhausted. This is why Bhagavān said they certainly not reach me - māmaprāpyaiva. Even after they gain human birth again, they need to start following dharma.

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