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The knower of ātmā crosses sorrow.

Kiñca yē jñāninaṁ stuvanti bhajantyarcayanti tānprāpti jñānikṛtaṁ āgāmi

puṇyaṁ gacchati.

Further, those who praise, serve, and worship the wise man, to them goes the āgāmi punya (good result) done by the wise men.

Yē jñānināṁ nindanti dviṣanti duḥkhapradānaṁ kurvanti tānprāpti jñānikṛtaṁsarvamāgāmi kriyamāṇaṁ yadavācyaṁ karma pāpātmakaṁ tadgacchati.

To those who abuse (verbally), dislike, give discomfort, to the wise men, goes the entire āgāmi-karma being done by the wise men, which can not be described and which is of the nature of pāpa.

We do not need to take these two verses literally, but if one did any of these actions to anybody, one will get the result accordingly based on the law of karma. These kinds of sentences in the teaching is for the purpose of glorification, how exalted a wise person is.

Tathā ca ātmavitsaṁsāraṁ tīrtvā brahmānandamihaiva prāpnōti. And thus, the knower of ātmā, crossing samsāra, gain Brahman that is fullness here itself (while living).

Gaining Brahman means owns up the knowledge of "I am Brahman of the nature of sat-cit-ānandā." The liberate person enjoy total fullness while living.

Tarati śokamātmavit iti śrutēḥ.

That is so, because of the śruti being there, “the knower of ātmā crosses sorrow.”

All the teaching of Vedanta need to have the confirmation with śruti. Here ācārya quoting from Chandogya Upanisad, "tarati śokam ātmāvit", the knower of ātmā crosses sorrow. The knower of ātmā owns up the fact "I am sat-cit-ānandā ātmā", he/she no longer traps in the ocean of samsara (life of becoming) which is characterised by sorrow.

Tanuṁ tyajatu vā kāśyāṁ śvapacasya gṛhē'tha vā.

Jñāna samprāpti samayē muktō'sau vigatāśayaḥ. Iti smṛtēśca.

Also because of the smrti, “let him give up the body at Kāsi or in the house of dog-eater, one whom all abodes have left (he has no special preference for a place), is liberated (even) at the time of gaining knowledge.

The place or time of death doesn't matter for the liberated person. Either the body drops at Kāsi which considered as a sacred place, or in the house of dog-eater which considered as inauspicious place, is doesn't matter for him/her anymore. Because certain people believe the time or place where the body drops will determine the next birth of even liberation. The wise person has liberated while living (jīvanmukta) and will continue liberate by not coming back into this circle of birth and death after the drop of the body (videhamukta).

Iti tattvabōdha prakaraṇaṁ samāptaṁ.

Thus, the prakarana called Tattabodha (discriminative knowledge of truth) is completed.

om tat sat

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