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Chapter 10.31-36

Updated: Jul 30, 2021

pavanah pavatām asmi rāmah śastrabhrtām aham |

jhasānām makaraścāsmi srotasām asmi jāhvani ||10.31||

Among the purifiers, I am Air; I am Rāma among those who bear weapons; among the fish I am shark, and among the rivers I am Gangā.

sargānām ādirantaśca madhyam caivāham arjuna |

adhyātmavidyā vidyānām vādah pravadatām aham ||10.32||

Arjuna! I am indeed the beginning, the middle, and the end of the creation. Among the disciplines of knowledge, I am the knowledge of the self. Of those who discuss, I am the discussion leading to truth.

aksarānām akāro 'smi dvandvah sāmāsikasya ca |

aham evāksayah kālo dhātāham viśvatomukhah ||10.33||

Among the letters I am "a", and I am the dvandva among the compounds. I am indeed the perennially eternal time. I am the giver (of karma-phala) who is all pervasive.

mrtyuh sarvaharaścāham udbhavaśca bhavisyatām |

kīrtih śrīrvāk ca nārīnām smrtirmedhā dhrtih ksamā ||10.34||

I am Death that takes away everything, and I am the cause of prosperity of those yet to be. Among the feminine words I am fame, wealth, speech, memory, intelligence, fortitude, and equanimity.

brhatsāma tathā sāmnām gāyatrī chandasām aham |

māsānām mārgaśīrso'ham rtūnām kusumākarah ||10.35|| So too, I am the Brhatsāma among the sāmas (mantras is sāma-veda); Gāyatrī among the metres (rhythm use in vedic chanting); among the months, Mārgaśirsa (december-january), and among the seasons, the spring.

dyūtam chalayatām asmi tejastejasvinām aham |

jayo'smi vyavasāyo'smi sattvam sattvavatām aham ||10.36|| I am the game of dice among the things that deceive; of the brilliant I am the brilliance. I am the victory of the victorious. I am the clarity in thinking (of those who have that clarity). Of those whose nature is predominantly sattva, I am that sattva-guna (contemplative disposition).

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