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Chapter 10.28-30

Updated: Jul 30, 2021

āyudhānām aham vajram dhenūnām asmi kāmadhuk |

prajanaścāsmi kandarpah sarpānām sami vāsukih ||10.28||

Among the weapon I am Vajra (weapon of Lord Indra which made of bones of dadhici rshi); among the cows I am the wish fulfilling cow (Kāmadhenu). I am Kandarpa (Manmatha), the God of love, who is the cause for progeny. Among the poisonous snakes I am Vāsuki.

anantaścāsmi nāgānām varuno yādasām aham |

pitrnām aryamā cāsmi yamah samyamatām aham ||10.29||

I am Ananta among the many-headed snakes (on which Lord Vishnu reclines in the cosmic ocean), Varuna among the Gods of water, Aryamā among the manes, and among those who enforce discipline I am Yama (Lord of death and justice).

prahlādaścāsmi daityānām kālah kalayatām aham |

mrgānām ca mrgendro 'ham vainateyaśca paksinām ||10.30||

I am Prahlāda among the daityas, the asuras who are born of Diti. Among things that reckon, I am the Time; among the wild animals I am the lion, and I am Garuda (vehicle of Lord Vishnu) among the birds.

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