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Brahman is full at every level

A similar idea about the nature of brahman is elaborated in the next verse.

yaddrṣṭvā nāparam dṛśyam yadbhūtvā na punarbhavet |

yajjñātvā nāparam jñeyam tadbrahmetyavadhārayet || 55 ||

Having seen which brahman, there is no other thing that remains to be seen. Having become which brahman, there is nothing one wants to be. Having known which brahman, nothing else is to be known. In this manner one should ascertain that excellent reality is brahman.

yaddrṣṭvā nāparam dṛśyam - having seen which brahman, there is no other thing that remains to be seen. yadbhūtvā na punarbhavet - having become which brahman, there is nothing further becoming. Desire for seeing and becoming are the projections of the sense of inadequate, which is the driving force for doer-ship and enjoyer-ship, thus one is caught in the cycle of samsāra. yajjñātvā nāparam jñeyam - having known which brahman, nothing else to be known, because by knowing that brahman which manifests as everything here is me alone, it put an end to doer-ship and enjoyer-ship, thus put an end to life of becoming. Because while everything is me alone, where is the desire to enjoy and become myself?

Brahman is homogeneously manifested as everything without any lack, as elaborated in the next first.

tīryagūdhvarmadhaḥ pūrṇam saccidānandamadvayam |

anantam nityamekam yattadbrahmetyavadhārayet || 56 ||

Brahman is of the nature of existence, consciousness, happiness and non-dual. He is full at all horizontal, above and under. He is boundless (space wise limitless), endless (time wise limitless), and one (object wise limitless). In this manner one should ascertain that excellent reality is brahman.

saccidānandamadvayam - non-dual brahman which is of nature of existence, consciousness, and happiness, means every being is of the same nature, therefore pūrṇam - being full, not even a trace of inadequacy at every level of life includes tīryagūdhvarmadhaḥ - horizontal, above and under world, all spheres of experience including all seven up and seven down. Thus anantam - boundless, space wise limitless, nityam - endless, time wise limitless, ekam - one, object wise limitless.

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